Safety codes for electromedical equipments

Based on the IEC (the international Electrotechnical commission), the Bureau if Indian standards BIS has
Issued the IS:8607
Standard to cover general and safety requirements of electro medical equipment the standard issued in eight parts, cover the following aspects
1) General
2) protection against electric shock
3)protection against
Mechanical hazard🎛
4)protection against unwanted or excessive radiation
5)protection again explosion hazard💣
6)protection against excessive temperature🌡, fire🔥,chemicals
8) Behaviour and reliability
🕰 some important standards🕰
Radio frequency diathermy apparatus (IS:7583)

ECG (IS:8048)
cardiac defibrillator (IS:9286)
x.rays equipment (IS:7620)
Electromyograph (IS:8885)


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